
Mindfulness meditation is an aspect of Buddhist practice which can be easily integrated into our modern lifestyles.

By learning to develop mindful awareness in the present moment, we find ourselves less preoccupied by the stresses of life, and more able to enjoy our experiences as they are happening. Over time, concentration, sleep and energy levels improve as well as peace of mind.

I offer Mindfulness teaching through tailored individual sessions, and also the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course. This course was developed at the University of Massachusetts hospital by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 to help people deal with issues of stress, illness and pain. it has been the subject of rigorous scientific research over the last 40+ years.

The proven benefits of completing the MBSR course include:

Improved Quality of Life
Increased ability to cope with stressful situations
Reduced anxiety and depression
Relief from symptoms of physical pain

My Qualifications:
I trained to teach MBSR at The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at The University of Bangor, one of the foremost institutions worldwide in the development of Mindfulness based approaches to health, and have over 20 years experience of meditation practice.